
In the vibrant landscape of India’s booming economy, opportunities are endless, and we are here to bridge the gap between talent and success. At OMAM, we specialize in finding the best talent for your organization and helping you attract, retain and develop that talent in the organizational framework.
Information as below:


In the heartbeat of India’s flourishing economy, OMAM stands as your strategic partner, dedicated to assisting you in Attracting, Retaining, and Developing Talent within your existing organizational framework. Beyond that, we specialize in crafting innovative solutions, including the redesign of organizational structures when necessary, ensuring your business is poised for continued success and growth.
  • Automobile & Auto-Ancilliary
  • Aviation
  • Beverages & Distillary
  • Electricals
  • Light & Heavy Engineering
  • Energy and CleanTech
  • Mobility & Industrial Technology
  • Building Components
  • Metal & Mining
  • Chemical and Process Industries

Infrastructure & Real Estate

In an industry that needs no introduction, a basic necessity for every individual on Earth, we understand the fundamental importance it holds. At OMAM, we take pride in playing a vital role in not only attracting the right talent but the also retaining and developing this talent to help add value to your team.
  • Power
  • EPC
  • Port, Road & Railways
  • Renewable Energy
  • Developers


At the core of every organization lies the indispensable IT industry. Itserves as the bedrock, addressing everything from the minutiae of formatting to the challenges of major software crashes. OMAM will be your partner everystep of the way from Selecting the right talent to retaining them at yourorganisation to developing the talent to fit your existing framework.

  • IT Consulting & Services
  • IT Computing & Infrastructure Services
  • Technology Products

Financial Services

Navigating both mature and emerging markets, our global Financial Services executive search and advisory practice at OMAM is dedicated to helping you attract and develop exceptional finance leaders. With a focus on excellence, we bring unparalleled expertise to ensure that your leadership team is equipped to thrive in the ever-evolving financial landscape.

  • Asset Management
  • Capital Markets
  • Fintech/Paytech
  • Infrastructure Finance
  • Insurance
  • Investment Banking
  • Private Equity/ VCs
  • Retail Financial Services
  • Risk Management
  • Wealth Management

Life Sciences

At OMAM, our practice specializes in discovering and cultivating leaders from diverse industries and geographies. These leaders possess the unique ability to catalyze change across entire organizations. We are dedicated to bringing transformative leadership to the forefront, ensuring that your organization thrives in the ever-evolving landscape of the health sector.

  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Hospitals
  • Medical Devices
  • R&D

Consumer & Retail

For decades, OMAM has been a steadfast partner in thecutting-edge sector, consistently contributing to the attraction, retention, and development of exceptional talent and leadership.

  • E Commerce
  • Retail, Apparel and Luxury Goods
  • Hopitality & QSR
  • Travel & Tourism


This industry thrives on being swifter, cost-effective and better.At OMAM we understand these changing dynamics and evolving landscapes. We are dedicated at guiding our clients in leading differently to achieve sustained.

  • 3rd Party Logistics
  • Shipping
  • Supply Chain
  • Distribution
  • Transportation (Rail/Road)

Public & Social Sector

At OMAM, our process is characterized by dedicated expertise and profound knowledge of the leadership, talent management, and governance challenges within this expanding and influential sector. We are committed to providing tailored solutions that empower organizations to navigate the unique landscape of the public and social sector with confidence.

  • Academia & Education
  • Arts & Culture
  • Government and Regulatory
  • Interest Representations & Associations
  • NGO’s Charities & Foundation
  • Intergovernemnt & Multilateral Organisations


In an era that values agility over size and diversity over homogeneity, our Technology & Communications Practice at OMAM brings extensive experience to assist organizations in navigating leadership challenges. We understand the evolving landscape of technology and communications, and we are dedicated to helping our clients thrive in this dynamic and rapidly changing environment.

  • Edtech, Consumer tech
  • AI/ML
  • Security
  • Cloud

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