Interview Tips

Interview questions for CFO of listed company along with answers

1. Given what you know about this company, where do you think you can add value?

The hiring manager uses this question to evaluate whether you clearly understand the company’s needs and goals. Your answer shows that you have researched the company and identified the areas where you can contribute to its growth. Approach this question by researching the company and identifying the gaps you can fill with your skills and expertise.

Example: After studying the company’s financial statements and annual report, I noticed that the company has been experiencing some cash flow issues, which have resulted in a decrease in revenue growth. My expertise in financial analysis and management can help identify the root cause of the cash flow issue and develop a plan to address it. Additionally, I have extensive experience in implementing cost-cutting measures without compromising the quality of the company’s products or services. I am confident that my skills and experience can help the company improve its financial performance and achieve its growth objectives.

2. What is your experience with directing investment activities?

The interviewer wants to assess your experience in leading and managing investment activities, including financial planning, forecasting and investment analysis. As a CFO, you create and implement investment strategies that align with the company’s financial objectives and goals. In your answer, provide specific examples of your experience directing investment activities.

Example: In my previous role as CFO, I was responsible for overseeing all investment activities, including financial planning, forecasting and analysis. I led a team that managed the company’s investment portfolio and evaluated potential investment opportunities. We developed a rigorous investment process that included risk analysis, market research and financial modelling to determine the potential return on investment. Through effective management of our investment activities, we were able to generate 40% revenue growth for the company.

3. What is your approach to initiating new strategies with your team?

The interviewer wants to assess your ability to lead and motivate a team to develop and implement new strategies that align with the company’s goals. As a CFO, you collaborate with other executives to develop long-term financial strategies and ensure the company’s financial stability. Try specifying examples of how you have successfully implemented new strategies.

Example: I believe that collaboration is the key to successfully initiating new strategies. As CFO, I work closely with my team to understand their views and insights and gather data from other company areas. I can then use this information to develop a comprehensive strategy that aligns with the company’s goals and objectives. I communicate the strategy to my team and provide the necessary resources, training and support to ensure its successful implementation. I also establish key performance indicators to measure the strategy’s effectiveness and encourage feedback from my team to identify areas for improvement.

4. Can you tell me about a time when you initiated an organisational change, such as restructuring a department? How did you approach it?

The interviewer wants to assess your ability to drive change and manage organisational restructuring, which is a fundamental aspect of a CFO’s role. In your answer, provide an example of when you initiated an organisational change, such as restructuring, and how you approached it. Focus on the steps you took to ensure a smooth transition while managing any resistance or challenges.

Example: In my previous role as CFO, I initiated a department restructuring to improve our financial performance. I approached it by developing a comprehensive plan that identified the root cause of our financial issues and then I communicated this plan to the team. I ensured that everyone understood the goals and objectives of the restructuring and how it could benefit the company. I also listened to team feedback, which helped identify issues and address any concerns. I provided the necessary resources and support to help the team adapt to the changes and regularly communicated progress. Ultimately, the restructuring was successful and the team achieved the set financial objectives.

5. How do you measure ROI when making investments?

The interviewer wants to evaluate your approach to measuring the return on
investment (ROI) when making investments. A CFO makes investment decisions that create value for the company and understanding how to measure the ROI is essential. Explain your methodology for calculating ROI, including the key metrics you use to evaluate investments.

Example: I use a rigorous methodology that evaluates an investment&’s quantitative and qualitative aspects. I use a combination of metrics, including net present value, internal rate of return, payback period and ROI ratio. I evaluate the potential risks and reward by considering the cash flows, profitability and market demand. I also consider the qualitative aspects, such as the strategic alignment with the company’s goals and the potential impact on the company’s reputation. By evaluating both quantitative and qualitative aspects of the investment, I can make informed investment decisions that create long-term value for the company.

6. Can you describe your approach to strategic financial planning?

Understanding a candidate’s ability to develop and execute long-term financialstrategies is crucial. This question allows you to gauge their ability to plan, organize, and direct financial objectives that align with the company’s goals.

In my previous role, I spearheaded a five-year financial strategy that balanced growth, investment, and risk management. This involved extensively analysing our past performance, industry trends, and market projections to identify key growth opportunities and areas for cost reduction. Our strategy resulted in a 15% increase in net revenue over five years.

7. How have you navigated a company through a financially difficult period?

This question aims to understand a candidate&’s problem-solving skills, resilience, and decision-making abilities during challenging times.

During the 2008 financial crisis, the company I was working with faced significant losses. I initiated a comprehensive financial assessment, identifying areas of unnecessary expenditure, renegotiating contracts, and reallocating resources. Concurrently, I worked with the management team to maintain morale and keep our strategic objectives in focus.

8. Explain a time when you had to make a tough financial decision and how you handled it.

This question allows you to assess the candidate’s ability to make complex decisions under pressure and handle sensitive financial matters.

At my previous company, we were facing financial struggles and had to consider layoffs. After careful analysis, I proposed a plan that included a combination of salary cuts, furloughs, and unfortunately, some layoffs. It was a tough decision, but it enabled the company to weather the financial storm and rebound without further job losses.

9. How do you ensure compliance with financial regulations and laws?

This question helps you understand a candidate’s ability to keep the company in line with financial regulations, safeguarding against legal issues and potential penalties.

Compliance is a non-negotiable aspect in Finance. I make it a point to stay updated with all applicable financial laws and regulations. Additionally, I have regular meetings with the legal and compliance team to ensure that all company activities align with these regulations.

10. How have you used financial data to drive growth and profitability?

This question assesses the candidate’s ability to analyze and interpret data to inform business decisions.

I strongly believe in data-driven decision making. In my last role, I used data analysis to identify underperforming products. I presented my findings to the executive team, leading to a strategic shift that increased profitability by 12%.

11. How have you managed financial risk in your previous roles?

This question allows you to gauge the candidate’s risk management strategy and their ability to ensure the company’s financial stability.

I've always emphasized a balanced approach to risk. By implementing robust financial controls and regularly reviewing financial processes, I’ve been able to identify potential risks early and take appropriate measures. I’ve also used financial modelling to anticipate and prepare for various scenarios.

12. How do you communicate complex financial information to non-finance people?

This question assesses the candidate’s communication skills and their ability to effectively relay financial information to stakeholders.

I believe in clear and concise communication. I translate complex financial data into easy-to-understand terms and visuals. This has helped ensure that all stakeholders, regardless of their financial background, are able to make informed decisions.

13. Can you describe a time when you improved efficiency within the finance department?

This question helps you understand the candidate’s ability to streamline operations and increase efficiency within the finance department.

At my last company, I introduced a new financial management system that automated various processes. This significantly reduced manual labor, improved accuracy, and increased overall efficiency by 20%.

14. How have you developed and managed your team in previous roles?

This question allows you to assess the candidate’s leadership style and their ability to develop and manage a team..

I believe in fostering a culture of continuous learning. I’ve implemented regular training programs and encouraged my team to pursue additional qualifications. This has not only improved their skills but has also increased job satisfaction and retention.

15. How do you stay updated with the latest financial trends and regulations?

This question helps you gauge the candidate’s commitment to continuous learning and staying abreast of industry developments.

I believe in fostering a culture of continuous learning. I’ve implemented regular training programs and encouraged my team to pursue additional qualifications. This has not only improved their skills but has also increased job satisfaction and retention.

16. Can you describe a time when you identified a significant cost-saving opportunity?

This question provides insight into the candidate’s ability to scrutinize expenditures and find ways to improve the company’s bottom line.

I once noticed that our company was spending a significant amount on third-party software licenses. Upon investigation, I realized that we could develop similar functionalities in-house. This initiative saved the company several thousand dollars annually.

17. What steps do you take to prepare a company for an audit?

This question assesses the candidate’s understanding of audits and their ability to ensure the organization is prepared for this process.

I initiate audit preparation with a thorough Internal review, ensuring all financial documents are accurate and accessible. I communicate with department heads to ensure they understand the audit process. I also liaise with the auditors to ensure a smooth and efficient audit.

18. How have you integrated technology to enhance the financial operations in your previous role?

This question gauges the candidates ability to leverage technology for improving financial operations and efficiency.

I led the implementation of a new ERP system in my previous role, which integrated all financial operations. This not only improved data accuracy but also provided real-time financial insights that significantly improved decision-making.

19. Describe your experience in capital budgeting.

This question helps you understand the candidate’s ability to plan and manage large scale investments, ensuring they align with the company’s long-term goals.

I have extensive experience in developing and managing capital budgets. I always ensure alignment with strategic objectives, assess potential return on investment, and carefully plan for associated risks. This approach has consistently resulted in successful capital projects.

20. How do you ensure accuracy in financial forecasting?

Accuracy in financial forecasting relies on comprehensive data analysis and realistic assumptions. I use historical data, current market trends, and advanced forecasting models to ensure our forecasts are as accurate and informative as possible.

21. Tell me about yourself?

“I am a strategically driven CFO who has the vision and the foresight to ensure the organization is financially lean, profitable and compliant. Over the years I have worked hard to build up a diverse set of skills that enables me to deal with a wide range of situations, to respond to financial problems and issues as and when they arise, and the ability to simplify processes that are to the advantage of everyone within the organization. The level of responsibility that comes with the position of Chief Financial Officer is something I take very seriously. I have the knowledge, the commercial acumen, the strategic vision and the confidence to help you achieve your goals. If you do hire me as your CFO, I believe you will see a significant and long-lasting positive impact financially from the work I carry out, the standards I set and the results- orientated mindset I utilize in all work and projects I am responsible for.”

22. Describe how your previous experience has prepared your for this role?

“I have many years’ experience within different sized organizations, each with differing goals and objectives. This experience has enabled me to develop a flexible and adaptable approach towards an organization’s financial responsibilities and objectives. For example, I have experience in assisting with strategic decisions based around policy where changes are needed to be made to ensure compliance; I have extensive experience of creating company policy and ensuring it is disseminated throughout the organization; I have experience of identifying financial risks and the opportunities that are present within the sector; and I have experience of simplifying processes to help an organization meet its financial and commercial goals quicker. Finally, I have experience of working alongside other senior organizational officers, and I fully understand how important it is to work collaboratively and flexibly with my senior colleagues to achieve
the company goals and strategic objectives.”

Interview Questions and answers for HR head of a Financial Organisation

1. What’s your experience with HR software?

Understanding an HR Director’s familiarity with HR software is crucial as it’s an integral tool for modern HR functions.

Sample answer:
“I’ve worked with various HR software like Workday, BambooHR, and PeopleSoft. They’ve been instrumental in streamlining processes, from recruitment to performance evaluations.”

2. What do you know about EEO laws/FMLA/etc.?

Knowledge about employment laws ensures that the company remains compliant and avoids potential legal pitfalls.

Sample answer:
“I’m well-versed with EEO laws ensuring equal employment opportunities and FMLA, which allows employees to take unpaid leave for specific reasons. Staying updated with these laws is crucial to avoid legal complications.”

3. What KPI’s do you use to measure the effectiveness of the HR function?

This question gauges how an HR Director measures success and effectiveness in their role.

Sample answer:
“I focus on metrics like employee turnover rate, time to hire, training ROI, and employee satisfaction scores to evaluate the HR function’s effectiveness.”

4. If you have to use three words to describe the role of an HR Director in a company, what would those be? Why?

This question reveals the candidate’s perspective on the role’s essence.

Sample answer:
“Strategist, mediator, and advocate. An HR Director strategizes for organizational growth, mediates to resolve conflicts, and advocates for both employees and the company’s best interests.”

5. How do the company’s HR needs influence strategic planning?

Understanding the interplay between HR needs and strategic planning is vital for any HR Director.

Sample answer:
“HR needs directly influence strategic planning by determining talent requirements, training needs, and organizational culture shifts. Aligning these with business goals ensures a cohesive approach to company growth.”

6. What do you do to ensure the HR department’s objectives are aligned with strategic goals?

This question probes the candidate’s approach to aligning HR objectives with company goals.

Sample answer:
“I regularly collaborate with department heads to understand their goals. Then, I ensure HR initiatives, like training programs or recruitment drives, support these objectives.”

7. What is company culture to you? How would you maintain it as the company grows?

Understanding the candidate’s perspective on company culture is crucial, especially for a role that significantly influences it.

Sample answer:
“To me, company culture is a blend of values, behaviors, and shared goals. As the company grows, I’d maintain it by regularly revisiting our values, ensuring they’re embedded in our processes, and fostering open communication.”

8. What can HR do to influence the company culture?

This question gauges the candidate’s understanding of HR’s role in shaping and maintaining company culture.

Sample answer:
“HR can influence company culture by implementing policies that reflect the company’s values, promoting open communication, recognizing employee achievements, and ensuring leaders exemplify the desired culture.”

9. What steps would you take to ensure diversity in the organization?

Diversity is a critical aspect of modern workplaces, and this question assesses the candidate’s approach to fostering it.

Sample answer:
“I’d start with unbiased recruitment processes, offer diversity training, and create resource groups. Additionally, I’d ensure our policies are inclusive and regularly gather feedback to make necessary improvements.”

10. How do you stay current and ensure compliance with employment laws?

Staying updated with employment laws is crucial for HR roles to avoid legal complications.

Sample answer:
“I subscribe to HR newsletters, attend seminars, and collaborate with legal teams. Regular training sessions for the HR team also ensure we’re always compliant.”

11. What is your understanding of the Family and Medical Leave Act and how will you apply that to our organization?

Since your HR director will be in charge of planning your organization’s human resource policies and talent acquisition trajectory, it is imperative that they thoroughly understand the laws relevant to hiring and taking leave to ensure that your organization is in compliance with the law. It is important that your HR director has the necessary knowledge of applicable laws that relate to your company. What to look for in an answer:

High level of understanding of FMLA’s regulations

Knowledge of how the law applies to your organization

Strong communication skills

“FMLA deals with granting employees and their family members with serious health conditions a sufficient amount of time off, so the organization will need to have clear policies and implementation on how to identify employees eligible for this type of leave.”

12. How would you react if a labor union representative wants to set up a meeting with you?

Depending on the industry that your organization operates in, some or most of your employees may be part of a union. As such, it is important that your HR director is

comfortable dealing with representatives from the unions that represent employees. This may include both normal visits to communicate about any ongoing union needs as well as potential meetings that may arise due to conflicts about policies. Your candidate should be well-versed in labor laws and capable of negotiating on your organization’s behalf. What to look for in an answer:

Strong communication skills

Clear understanding of state labor laws

Past experience dealing with labor unions

“I would inquire why the union representative is setting up the meeting. If the representative wants to settle any grievances, I would refresh my memory on labor laws to ensure my organization is in the best possible position for negotiations.”

13. If the economy is in a recession, how would you adjust our organization’s hiring policies?

Your company will likely operate in times when the economy is not performing quite as well, but you will still need to hire and retain the best possible talent. A prospective HR director should be prepared to explain how they would align your organization’s hiring policies during a recession and be prepared to dismiss non-performing employees. What to look for in an answer:

Clear strategy for hiring or firing during a recession

Explanation of how to deal with letting employees go

Ability to stay calm in stressful situations

“I would first plan to hire fewer employees during the next hiring season and work toretain our existing talent before attempting to let any employees go. When employeesneed to be terminated, I will provide checks and balances to ensure the terminationprocess is smooth for the company and the employee.”

14. What is your knowledge of the current federal and state overtime laws?

Your candidate should be familiar with federal overtime laws and the classifications of employees that are protected under those overtime laws. Secondly, they should understand the different state and local overtime laws that apply to your organizationas some United States regions have passed additional rules and regulations for employees eligible to claim overtime pay. What to look for in an answer:

Identifies applicable overtime laws

Outlines a strategy for ensuring overtime law compliance

Strong communication skills

“I have studied and am well-versed in federal and state overtime laws. For example, federal and Connecticut overtime laws that mandate all non-exempt workers must be compensated at one and a half times their hourly pay rate for all hours worked over forty hours a week.”

15. How does an organization’s talent acquisition policies interact with long-term strategic planning?

Your HR director will need to align your firm’s hiring policies with the organization’slong-term growth trajectory. For instance, if the company is looking to begin selling a new line of goods or services, your candidate will need to be able to correctly adjust the firm’s talent policy to bring on new members to the marketing and operating teams to support the new strategy. As such, you will need to look for someone who has a strong sense of business strategy in addition to familiarity with hiring. What to look for in an answer:

A clear outline of how talent and business strategy intermingle

Strong understanding of business fundamentals

Strong use of logic and communication skills

“Talent acquisition is the base of all business strategies. Hiring policies need to ensure that an organization is able to add members to its fastest-growing departments to support business needs.”

16. Your company experiences a high employee turnover rate. What is your process for investigating possible causes and implementing solutions?

HR directors are responsible for implementing policies or procedural changes thatpromote employee productivity, talent acquisition or employee satisfaction. Their ability to identify patterns in employee behaviors allows them to make necessary changes that promote low turnover rates. This question helps interviewers determine a candidate’s ability to investigate causes for high turnover rates and institute change. A candidate’s answer should emphasize:

Commitment to improving employee satisfaction

Investigative skills

Proactive mindset

Here is one example of a quality candidate answer:
“First, I would look to see which departments the employees worked for. If they all worked for one department, I could isolate the problem to that area. If not, I would look through their exit interviews to see if there were common complaints or explanations for leaving. If I discovered, for example, that a number of employees complained about an uneven work-life balance, I would send out anonymous polls to company employees to gauge their thoughts on work-life balance and their needs.”

16. Your company experiences a high employee turnover rate. What is your process for investigating possible causes and implementing solutions?

HR directors are responsible for implementing policies or procedural changes thatpromote employee productivity, talent acquisition or employee satisfaction. Their ability to identify patterns in employee behaviors allows them to make necessary changes that promote low turnover rates. This question helps interviewers determine a candidate’s ability to investigate causes for high turnover rates and institute change. A candidate’s answer should emphasize:

Commitment to improving employee satisfaction

Investigative skills

Proactive mindset

Here is one example of a quality candidate answer:
“First, I would look to see which departments the employees worked for. If they all worked for one department, I could isolate the problem to that area. If not, I would look through their exit interviews to see if there were common complaints or explanations for leaving. If I discovered, for example, that a number of employees complained about an uneven work-life balance, I would send out anonymous polls to company employees to gauge their thoughts on work-life balance and their needs.”